We’ll be having a happy hour on 8/26 with a twist! Invite your guests in non-competing areas, prepare your favorite drink, and be ready for Paula Calise’s The Art of Hello presentation. It’s hour long and jam-packed with useful insights so your message will be heard by others. See below for more information, and you’ll be receiving more details as the time gets closer. Hope to see you there on 8/26 (Wed) at 5 PM!
The Art of Hello
Professional Branding
Be Remembered In A Noisy World.                                   
Paula Calise  ­
As professionals we all deserve to be known for our achievements, and to be understood for our value proposition.
Right now, it’s a particular noisy world. The news is cluttered and people are preoccupied with the COVID-19 virus.
Now is not the time to lose ground on being known for your professional achievements, hard work accumulated over years or decades. Be proactive in using your Art of Hello message, making it simple and clean so that people can “hear you” over the din of our troubled times.
Often called personal branding, the core is introducing yourself to people in a way that the listener understands the essence of your professional life. Once scripted and perfected, your branded introduction is a durable asset. It is useful for emerging professionals, for senior leaders, for business owners, for those seeking positions on boards, and job seekers.
A well-conceived professional brand introduction is the old-fashioned elevator pitch polished up to a professional level with a memorable impact. It differentiates you from others. So simple to recognize when done well, and so hard to make one your own. Paula provides the background, tips and rules and a three-step method that results in you having a professional brand introduction of your own to use, that day. It’s called the Art of Hello.

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August 26, 2020

5:00 pm


Paula Calise  ­

Event Category:


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