Join us for another great meeting with Dream Team to hear exciting topics to enhance your business!

In-person will require a $25 lunch fee to be paid if you donated last year’s lunch fees.

The Unstuck Mind and the Power of Not Knowing


As conditions become increasingly uncertain and turbulent, business owners and leaders feel overwhelmed and rudderless. Not knowing what to do, many leaders will either return to a comfortable playbook from the past, or latch onto a simplistic response because taking action feels better than doing nothing. Neither strategy achieves the intended results.

In this session, we will identify how we get stuck in our thinking and what to do about it. We will introduce a model for identifying insights and options hidden in our uncertain environments. Finally, we will review how pausing to transform our thinking sets the stage for breakthrough results.

Jay Cone and Lisa Weaver, Partners and Co-Founders of Unstuck Minds, will talk about Jay’s most recent book, The Surprising Power of Not Knowing What To Do, and how the ideas in the book launched their company and relate to what small business owners face in these challenging and uncertain times.

Unstuck Minds Profile

For those interested in learning more about their own thinking-to-action habits, Dream Team members can take a free online assessment. The report of your assessment results will match your approach to dealing with uncertainty and complexity to the model we will discuss at the session.

Link to the profile:

Survey Code (use to access the assessment after creating an account): UMP2021

Those that are attending – something to think about….


•     What questions do you have about making business decisions under conditions of uncertainty and complexity?

If you want to purchase the book prior –

Event Registration


August 3, 2021

11:30 pm – 1:00 pm

The meeting opens at 11:30
Commercials will begin at 11:40

Event Category:
