Title: Orchestrating Fiscal Harmony; Know your SCORE
Speaker: Kelly Kunst, CFP
About Kelly Kunst & Fiscal Harmony
Being a business owner was imprinted on my DNA at an early age, and I am very proud of my family heritage. My grandfather started out with a few chickens in the Great Depression to feed his family. He was an enormously successful business owner who was deeply invested in his community. In his late eighties, not only did the farm fail, but due to a variety of factors, he also lost his beloved farm and almost lost his primary residence.
That experience led me to my life’s passion to help entrepreneurs like my grandfather. I became a CFP professional to utilize my education background in service, helping individuals and entrepreneurs build a comprehensive financial strategy.
Many of my clients come to me with complex financial, business, and tax issues that require multidimensional solutions. Together, we create an individualized plan for success — something I call Fiscal Harmony.
Fiscal Harmony is where science meets emotion. It’s a planning process that is constantly evolving to meet client’s needs both personally and professionally. The roots of Fiscal Harmony have been planted in over a decade helping clients make financial decisions to support their families. Shortly after finishing my CFP (Certified Financial Planner) coursework in comprehensive planning, I completed coursework in behavioral finance to further help clients in their decision making. Meeting the client’s financial needs isn’t science alone or solely personal – it’s both.

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September 1, 2020

11:30 pm – 1:00 pm

The meeting opens at 11:30
Commercials will begin at 11:45


Kelly Kunst, CFP

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Meeting ID: 897 0604 1455
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